KUOW Website
While KUOW invested a lot of effort in creating its digital offerings their audience engagement once on the website and apps remained low. Additionally, the various digital products were built and managed independently from each other, creating a time-intensive process for adding and updating content. This proved to be a serious roadblock for reporting the news quickly, and in this industry and digital age, if you can’t get your story out immediately, you are no longer relevant.
Moby worked with KUOW on a responsive redesign of its suite of digital products, which not only simplified content creation and management, but also streamlined pledge drive efforts, membership management, underwriting/advertising, media players, and analytics insights and reporting.

Bringing enterprise solutions to public radio
To start we imagined a cohesive experience for not only the KUOW audience member, but also their internal staff. By bringing all departments and user groups into one management system and experience many of KUOW's key painpoints would be solved.
It was quite the undertaking however this expansive website now allows all internal and external users access a cohesion experience and workflows built just for them. It encourages visitors to engage with KUOW by providing easy-to-use mechanisms to read and listen to content, grows the KUOW audience by decreasing barriers to engage and increasing usability, provides robust search function that replicates a personalized “front desk” experience, converts visitors into sustaining members through an easy-to-use and informative donation platform, and increases advertising opportunities within the site that flow well with the editorial content and conform to users’ context and device.

Custom Content Management System
To help KUOW create stories, content, and services in new and more powerful ways, Moby created a customized and highly extensible content editor. Based on hundreds of hours of interviews and research we designed a CMS that perfectly fits with KUOW's workflows and department needs.
For the newsroom it has a robust cutting-edge, fast, secure, and auto-saving content editing interface. Including features like future scheduled publishing, draft mode, preview, importing stories from 3rd party APIs, embeds for photo, video, audio, document, pull quote, advertisement, and source code, and more editorial control of home and landing page content.
Since KUOW is a publicly-funded organization, member donations are critical to maintaining the quality programing offered. For the membership team the Donation section in the CMS is not only a place to design and create new donation and pledge drive forms on the frontend website, it is a place where they can monitor and report on donations.

Improved user experience.
Powerful results.
The results of the new KUOW digital ecosystem are powerful indicators of an improved user experience and, as a result, user engagement. In the first year site visitors; increased time spent on new site by over a minute from 1:07 to 2:46 minutes, lowered a bounce rate from 70.13% to 7.49%, increased the use of the live player from only 70K to 800K per month, and increased engagement / time spent reading articles on new site: 7:11 minutes vs. 3:34 minutes.
Proving to the KUOW team that a well designed and executed site can indeed completely change the reception and engagement of their audience.

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Name, Association